Men, and you are satisfied with the length of your friend? And if not, do you try to increase it? Here! Here on this and cashing seller of all kinds of Tools and technologies that don't really work. Or work, but not quite so, as these promises do not clean the hands of the entrepreneurs. Everything is very simple: you can't increase in a short period of time and not a part of the body. And even for a longer period of time may increase only in the range of 10-15% of the original size. Let us take a look at the myths about penis enlargement and in reality, we do not promise so well as.

The surgical procedure
Today, it is the only effective and safe method to enlarge the Penis not only in length but also in thickness. An experienced doctor with years of experience - plastic surgeon - prior to the implementation of the Operation, the anatomical characteristics of your Penis investigate, as I said, weigh the "pros" and "cons". To not damage your health.
Urologist, andrologist, together with a plastic surgeon will period on the restoration of the functions of the Penis in the postoperative. The Operation takes no longer than an hour under local anesthesia. In the course of the Operation, not vital organs, which minimizes the risk of severe complications would be affected.
The Operation for the extension of the Penis is that interficiam the muscles that support the Penis from above. Then, these muscles are sewn at a new place (a bit further below). Due to this tail, as if it falls a few inches forward.
Thus, increasing the length of the Penis is achieved by a change of its Position. Penis after the Operation is a little below its normal Position.
During the Operation, an increase in the length of the Penis up to 4 inches. It is important to note that in the case of the erection of the Penis in a little different Position acquires, respectively, namely, more than the horizontal.
We fricabis lubricate and wait for the effect...
And as it was not there. About the benefits, or harm, on the impact of creams, gels and ointments for penis enlargement goes a lot of myths. Manufacturer of wonder-drugs in a few days not only guarantee you penis enlargement in length but also in diameter. Your "buddy" to stop, by stimulating the cells of the tissue in the Penis, that is, he must start to grow, such as with a wave of his wand, and then, when they grow up to the desired size, immediately. How many do you need? 18, 20, or 25 centimeters? Everything is possible, you just have to RUB carefully! And the effect is not long to wait... because it's not even happening! Popular ointments, creams and gels neither a benefit nor a harm to your health. Although a positive effect of data intinctione substances is the skin of your Penis is soft, smooth and silky, like the butt of a newborn, as they say in the ads!

A tablet, two tablet...
Three tablet, five, ten, and so can be infinite to the city! To raise hardly anything in the periphery or to grow. Your sexual organ is not longer, just because she's drinking an active or a dietary Supplement, Vita, and where are the advertised penis enlargement pills. Use of you can and the hair shiny, vitamin deficiency is not intended to be, but my Penis does not grow even a few inches to the side from which you do not posuit him the ruler! You might think that a member is increased, but it is not so! Do not forget that if a little wait is very strong, it can happen, self-deception! Even artificially by the increase of the male hormone testosterone in the blood of the men did not affect the growth of the Penis.
Physical exercises on the hat in your size!
Certainly physical exercises stimulate the Penis enlargement process. Only here there is a but: if your sex organs grew, if you are not a teenager and puberty in your case, a long-forgotten fact, no exercise will not help to enlarge the Penis.
Special courses, Training a "friend", manual therapy methods have a positive impact on the sex organ. Prevention of diseases of the Penis, nobody has prevented it.
And remember: those who say that a member is a muscular Organ, is simply not to know about the structure of this body is nothing. The Penis is not made of muscles, but from the cavernous body and spongy body, through the accumulation of blood, thus, causing an erection. You can't increase the Penis through muscle training.
You, doctor, draw!
The continuous mechanical traction with a special device that magnifies Extender the Penis, more precisely, make it longer. You think that your gender is not thickened body proportionately, it is so! The Penis is long and fine sophisticated. Of course, resolution is not much and not soon, but erit tenuior.
The wearing of this device to the Penis must be at least 9 hours a day. For the people around you, it does not go unnoticed. And since the device consists of a plastic Ring connected to two movable metal rods integrated in the plastic carrier with a silicone-device for the attachment of the head of the institution, it is unlikely that you can easily move, with Extender, pendentia between the legs.
In addition, it can be painful. But to increase, in principle, not a bad perspective at least-long member, although in this case, about a year expose Penis to attract unpleasant procedure and remove the device. Extender will be your friend for the coming months.

Yes, in fact, thanks to the help of a vacuum Penis pump can increase in the extent to. Of course, the impact of this temporary effect usually after 24 hours, the authority comes in their original condition. And yet this method has also its disadvantages (side effects). An improper use of the vacuum pump can cause the rupture of the blood vessels of the Penis, bruising, and sometimes even deformation of the Penis.